Monday, September 9, 2013

Julep - September Review

I didn't feel the need to get a September Julep box because I wasn't interested in any of the pairs of colors (I'd like one from one box and one from another, but none as a pair). So I thought it'd be fun to bring in a guest to do the September review. I bring you my friend Shawn! Ta da! 

My September Julep  Box:
JulepThe deets: Classic with a Twist=Julep BARE FACE Cleansing Oil, polish in Florence, and polish in Padma.

The low down: This is my second Julep box and I loved the first month—a lovely light lilac polish (Helen, I think), a super cool orangey-brick red (Catherine…methinks and currently gracing my piggies), and some minty exfoliating foot lotion—score! So I when I saw my September box I was a little bummed but I’m better now. Let me explain….

The polish first—I love, love, LOVE Padma. It’s a super dark purple that went on well with only one healthy coat. Like any dark polish, it stained my nail (and surrounding skin—I’m a sloppy polisher) immediately but a base coat and some polish remover easily remedies that. I can’t wait until winter to rock it on my nails and until then, it will be in my regular rotation for my toes.

Julep polish

Florence, on the other hand (well, on the index finger in this case), not so much, and I was really looking forward to this one. I love a good beige neutral but this one (the photo is not doing it justice) is more of a khaki so not good for my skin tone. I can probably pull it off as a toe polish, maybe with a thin coat of something sparkly over it, but sadly, I’m still on the hunt for the perfect beige for my hands.

Finally, the oil wash. I have crazy oily skin. I live in Colorado where the dry air sucks the moisture from your body faster than you can replenish it and my skin is STILL an oil slick. So, when I saw this I did a Scooby Do “HUHHHHH?!?!?!”—did they make a mistake? Nope, a check of Julep’s website and a quick scan of a couple reviews assured me this is for all skin types. Still skeptical, I dove in and there is photographic evidence to document it.

Shawn 1 Shawn 2 Shawn 3

The first picture is me, fresh from a weekend road trip—sweaty, sunburnt, and grimy. The second…me with the oil smeared on my face and rubbed in really good. Finally, me post-rinse, all squeaky clean. This stuff is some kind of magic! It easily dissolved the makeup and grime from my face and rinsed off easily. My skin felt moisturized and not too oily. The downside…an hour or so later my face felt a tad TOO moisturized (a.k.a. oily) but one of the reviews I read claimed my skin would adjust over time. End result for me? This will go in my travel to-go bag because it’s a great multi-tasker but I’m still afraid to use it every day. Having said that, I might bust it out again if I’m feeling brave this winter when it’s even drier in my neck of the woods.

For those folks with “normal” oily skin—I say go for it, I bet you’ll love it.

One final thing…I’m not sure if I got this in my first box—if I did I’m bummed I missed it…the quote! I am a connoisseur of quotes so the Julep elves really found the way to my heart with this…and what a great choice! “If your dreams do not scare you, they aren’t big enough” (Ellen Johnson Sirleaf)---loved it and it totally made up for the heartbreak of Florence.

Thank you so much Shawn for doing that for me. (Isn't she adorable!!) Also, "the heartbreak of Florence" sounds like a good romance novel. Thanks for reading! 

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